Your risk is unique, and too many agents can get you coverage but do NOT understand the unique challenges of your business, until its too late and you have an uncovered claim or worse, one that got paid and shouldn’t have! 

We have specialized in Fire Sprinkler, Fire Alarm, and Suppression system contractors since 2003. We’ve written programs for Suppression related companies ranging from $50 million in sales, to $250,000 in sales, and everyone in between.

From Wet Systems to Special Hazards, Alarm testing to installation, Fabrication shops, Seismic systems to CPVC, from California to Boston and Florida, your risk is unique. We’ve not only been doing it for years, but we learned from our customers, attended hundreds of NFPA and SPFE education seminars, to make sure we understand it for you. We’ve presented at AFSA and NFSA National Conventions, because we’ve seen too many contractors overpaying for coverage that is inferior!

Do you have a poor claims history? We can help. We will come in and review your operations with you, top to bottom and help you make changes that will make yoru risk more attractive. We work with Underwriters that have seen it all, as long as your willing to work with us, and get you back on track we’re here to help.

Office Locations

223 S. West Street
Suite 900
Raleigh, NC 27601

29000 US Hwy 98
Building C Suite 201
Daphne, AL 36526

23 Brown Street
Suite 115
North Kingstown, RI 02852